Explore all videos that feature focus as a messaging theme
Includes: 1 Video
Time Dedication: 12 Minutes
This is a great practice to refresh and re-energize for your day.
Includes: 1 Video
Time Dedication: 3 Minutes
Let’s create a rainstorm by moving our body. How does it feel when the storm passes?
Includes: 4 Videos + Worksheets
Time Dedication: 10-30 Minutes
Growing can be hard or uncomfortable. But if we keep trying we can achieve and become even more of ourselves.
Includes: 4 Videos + Worksheets
Time Dedication: 7-20 Minutes
By reflecting on how we are feeling in the moment, then thinking of how we want to feel, we can build on the superpowers we have and use that to build focus and confidence.
Includes: 4 Videos + Worksheets
Time Dedication: 7-20 Minutes
By holding challenging poses, using coordination, breathing, and listening, we strengthen and practice our focus.
Includes: 1 Video
Time Dedication: 2 Minutes
There’s always 2 minutes in your day to breathe.
Includes: 1 Video
Time Dedication: 3 Minutes
Take a 3 minute mindful break to listen to the chime.
Includes: 1 Video
Time Dedication: 7 Minutes
Start your day in the classroom with some deep breaths to get centered and focused and feeling good.
Includes: 1 Video
Time Dedication: 10 Minutes
Let's use our imagination to take us to the park and explore the nature around us.